
     Zorluer Group was founded in the town of Urla, Izmir in 1986 by Recep Zorluer. Zorluer Group has grown rapidly in poultry farming with confident steps thanks to our founder Recep Zorluer’s 15-year-abroad experiences before founding the company, and the  gap in the industry that was in that time. Over the first five years of the company existence, although it increased its capacity up to 30 %, the company made every effort to grow more. Afterwards Recep Zorluer, willing to maintain the company as a family business, has improved by building up a joint power with Hasan Zorluer, and with the other family members’ participation with confident steps growing stronger and stronger.

    In 1992, the company moved itself a few steps forward in the industry with Zorluer Breeding Company. The company could take more eggs than other breeds in the country on the same day by bringing the first Bovans animal species to Turkey and also it has become the country’s leading producer of eggs and chicks. In this process Zorluer Group, which has exported 95 % of its production, has been investigating what they can do more for this sector at the same time. Zorluer, gradually increasing all its coops to an automatic system by the years 93-94, brought the first egg collection, packing and sorting machines to Turkey under its own structure once again during the process. With these breakthroughs, Zorluer Group has been accepted officially not as an industry branch but as a sector and attempted to inform the public that the company deals with egg production and poultry more responsibly and seriously. In addition to this, Zorluer Group, determining and rising the quality standard of the egg and poultry sector encounters the question “What’s the next step for the company?”

    As a result of this, the company indicated that there were many other things they could accomplish by launching the first eight-floor egg coop made in Asia in the year of 1996.

    Even if it was considered as an exaggeration at that time, it’s obvious that current coop technology is the result of Zorluer Group’s foresightedness.

Zorluer Group considering this insufficient established and started operating the first egg pasteurization factory in 1996. As the only factory in the country for the next decade, it maintained its position as the only pasteurized egg factory until 2005. This indicates once again Zorluer Group’s foresightedness and sector intelligence.


    Since 2000, Zorluer has maintained its daily production capacity of 2 million. Ever since 2008, Zorluer Group has been reflecting its own technology and experience in bird cage production by establishing a bird cage factory as its ultimate investment in its poultry business. All the bird cage designs produced and available for sales are previously tested and mastered by the company’s own coops against all risks and mistakes. It must be accepted that taking this risk is however a challenge. Although a possible mistake can influence the whole production system, our Group’s background experience and advance technology proved its bird cages’ flawlessness in performance and process tests and as a result bird cage commercial sales were launched. In this way Zorluer, exporting all its production, demonstrates its good insight and understanding of quality.


    Zorluer Group has recently been continuing its activities successfully in each area of the industry with hatching and breeding facilities, chicks, pullets and egg farms, pasteurization factory, bird cage factory.